
Friday, 30 August 2013

The disco

At lunchtime on Thursday there was a disco for the year 8 camp. We could dance and have fun. We also could grab drinks if we were thirsty. Then we had to do a dance off people were versing people to be the top dancer out of the two. After that we all had a great dance and a good time.Then we had to go to class.

Lake sunset

Monday, 26 August 2013

Book Train

This is about a book I have read today in Reading.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Spelling games

Today I was playing A game called missing letter match this game helps me with my spelling.    

An Afternoon with uncle James

On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Manuyag called Uncle James to come and show us how to draw a cartoon people of ourselves. He also taught us how to do a chin for our face's. The coolest part was when he taught me how to do the body. I hope he comes back to teach us some more things about drawing.   

goal setting

Friday, 16 August 2013

Maths game

Today I won a game called action fraction I was learning to add fractions

The zoo trip